10 members of Laskar Pelangi.
From left (standing) Lintang, Samson, Trapani, Sahara, Kucai, Syahdan, Aaron, A Kiong - From left (jongkok) Mahar, ikal.
Bu Guru Muslimah
Loop (left the original) / Andrea Hirata - Borrowed Writer
The Explanation of the role of each figure in the Laskar Pelangi :
Figures' I 'in this story. Loop that has become the second ranking So a friend called Latitude, which is a child in terpintar Borrowed. He was interested in literature, visible from the kesehariannya happy to write poetry. He loves A Ling, a cousin of Kiong, who found the first time in a store peddler named Store Sinar Harapan. In the end their relationship ended, both forced by the distance due to a pullout of Ling to Jakarta to accompany bibinya.
So a friend curly extraordinary wizard. His father worked as poor fishermen who do not have a boat and must bear the lives of 14 members of family life. Latitude has shown great interest for the school since the first day is disekolah. He was always active in class and has ambitions as a mathematician. Even if he extraordinary smart, red-haired men, a small loop is never one to bring the school equipment. Factory that was converted forced to abandoned it can work to pay for the needs of family life since his father died.
The only girl in Borrowed members. Sahara is a girl dogged the opinion that very strong stick to religion. He is a girl-friendly and clever, he was good to anybody except on a Kiong that since they entered the school, he basahi with water in termosnya.
Well-skinny-looking men have this great talent and interest in art. First known when accidentally Bu points somethings to sing in front of the art voice lessons. Men who like occultism is often dipojokkan friends. When mature, Mahar was idle waiting for the fate menyapanya because I can not because of any mother to a sick-weakly. However, the fate of both menyapanya and he invited petinggi to make the documentation of traditional children's games after he read the articles written in a magazine, and eventually he successfully launched a novel about friendship.
A Kiong
Hokian children. Descendants of Chinese followers of this is true Mahar since the first class. Mahar is for temperatures majesty. In spite of this small man a certain kind of face bad appearance, he has a high sense of friendship and good-hearted, and like to help anyone except in the Sahara. However, although they contend, was their mutual love, both with one another.
Children fishermen felt that this never obtrusive. If there is anything he certainly is not the most attention. For example, when the theatrical play, Syahdan only found out so carpenters and Hobbes fan daughter is still a lot of error. Syahdan is the first witness of love wavy, curly, and he served in the shop to buy chalk since the Sinar Harapan wavy enamored on a Ling. Syahdan it has ambitions that never show Borrowed by the other actors. By working hard on his actors akhirna real although only get a small role as tuyul or jinn ... After a bored, he went and computer courses. After that he became successful network designers.
Head of the class throughout the school Borrowed generation. He suffered dim far as nutrition, and impaired visibility derogating 20 degrees, so that if he stared up toward Borek, it will show he is considering Trapani. Men since this can be a small visible politician and finally realized when he became head of the adult wing at the local parliament Belitong.
Men's large muscle mania. Borek always maintain its image as a male Macho. When adult, he became stiff in the shop owned by a Kiong and the Sahara.
Men stacked in the liver and this is very good love his mother. Whatever he must do is always accompanied his mother, such as when they will appear as a band that dikomando by Mahar, he would not appear if not purchasing his mother. Guy who aspire to become teachers is finally ended in the mental hospital because they depend on the mother.
Men who have mental retardation is starting primary school when he was 15 years old. The male is always entertaining kucingnya talked about the three-striped and the birth of three children each on the three-striped three-to-Saharan and happy holidays to ask when the widths Bu somethings. He is offering 3 bottles of soy sauce when directed to collect works of art classes six.
Other figures
Bu Muslimah
Full name NA Musimah Hafsari Hamid KA bint Abdul Hamid. He is Ibunda Teachers for Borrowed. Women are soft this first test, Borrowed and teachers is the most valuable for them.
Pak Harfan
Full name of the new Harfan Efendy Noor bin KA Matan Zein Noor. School principals from Muhammadiyah. He is a very good heart and penyabar although students initially afraid of view.
Aslina name is Floriana, a child tomboi that comes from a rich family. He is a student from the school relocated the district court and the rich at the same time last figures that appear as part of the Laskar rainbow. Beginning the first time go to school, he had the opportunity to create chaos take over the seat Trapani Trapani so dismal that forced tergusur. He wants to do with the reason to sit on the Mahar and did not want to be debated.
A Ling
Our first wave, which is a first cousin A Kiong. A Ling is beautiful and firmly with this forced separation because the loop must accompany bibinya who live alone.
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