
Chronological age, namely, the number of years that you pass since you are born, it can continue to move without are hampered. However, biological age, namely, the remaining time you have to die, can be extended with hal2 that make the cells remain in prime condition, among others through the sport enough, calm mind, and mengkomsumsi healthy food.
Here is a strategy to extend your biological age through food.
The daily calorie needs of adult women is 35-45 calories per kilogram of body weight, and 25-30% fulfilled senaiknya from fat. For example, for women berberat 55 kilograms with normal activities, needs 50-65 grams of fat daily. This is to prevent naikya weight and other conditions that accompany such as hypertension and high cholesterol. Should the largest portion of fat from saturated fat is not as a single olive oil. Saturated fat and not double as sunflower seed oil, soybean oil and peanut oil. The least possible consumption of saturated fat biscuit, cake, butter, oil and fry for fast food.
Salt is one of the causes blood pressure tinngi. Consumption of salt simply the only one spoon in the day. This amount is sufficient body needs salt. Avoid fast food and snack packages that usually contain enough high salinity.
Food Bergula
Limit may be a little biscuit, cake, pastry, beverage and bergula. Simple sugar such as sugar is not good for health and dental quickly increase blood sugar. Replace with food from seeds that have not been removed skin arinya, such as red rice from rice, corn, oatmeal, or bread from wheat seeds. Food is rich in complex carbohydrates are digested the tubuhdengan slow, so the energy gradually and not rapidly increase blood sugar. Food is also rich in fiber, a food source for bacteria, either.
However, no need to remove the sugar from food samam once. Sweetness is needed to maintain the taste of food.
Avoid eating too much meat cattle, especially those containing fat. Options that baikadalah poultry meat and fish, and nuts and seeds. Saturated fat and cholesterol in the meat of livestock more easily raise the rate of blood cholesterol and increase the risk of hypertension. Daily needs for protein is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. Comparison of animal protein and vegetable consumption, you sebainya 2: 1.
Fitonutrien is a compound in the vegetable foods that have no nutritional value, but it can protect the body from disease. Fitonutrien are antioxidants, vitamins help, minerals, fiber and, for optimal functioning. Soybean, whole cereals, nuts, fruits, vegetables are good sources fitonutrien. Bowl of vegetables can contain more than 100 types of fitonutrien.
Fitoestrogen is a compound similar to estrogen? Female sex hormone, which is in the beans, pod-polongan, and cereals. This compound can slow the datangnay off, to prevent osteoporosis, and menguarngi risk of heart disease and breast cancer.
More fiber. Is part of the fiber such as cereals, fruits, or vegetables, which can not be digested body. However, in the colon, fiber is a good food for the bacteria. Fiber also lower cholesterol and mencegahsembelit and colon cancer. The needs of the recommended daily fiber about 35 grams.
Antioxidants to reduce the negative impact of free radical cells, for example, skin wrinkles. Is the main source of antioxidant vitamin C (fruits and vegetables), vitamin E (wheat seed oil, olive oil, nuts), and beta-carotene (carrots, oranges, tomatoes and fruit and vegetables, green). Antiokasiadan other is selenium (seeds intact) and zinc (seafood).
Fruit and Vegetable
We recommended eating 5-7 portions of fruits or vegetables every day. A portion equivalent denagn glass pieces of fruit or vegetables. Besides the source of fiber and fitoestrogen, bta-carotene (provitamin A) and vitamin C in fruits and sayurmemperkuat immune and prevent the flu. Vitamin E strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries to menceaghnya not broken. Fruit is also good to snack.
High-fed fish
High fatty fish such as salmon, sardine, lemuru, mackerel, tuna and can be a substitute for meat cattle. Although fatty, the kind of fat that is good, namely, the EPA (eikosapentanoat acid) and DHA (dokosaheksanoat acid), a group of Omega-3. Fat is to maintain eye health, prevent penyakitjantung, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and rheumatism. But do not mengkomsumsi canned fish because it does not contain Omega-3 again.
Acid Folat
Folat acid can prevent anemia, reduce the thickness of blood-not so easily clog blood vessels and decrease the rate of homosistein. Homosistein amino acid is produced by the body, that if berkadar higher in the blood makes the body more vulnerable to heart disease and stroke. Folat acid found in many soy, beans, green vegetables, bread, whole grain and seeds, and cereals.
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