God ..
If I can go back ..
I do not want no mourning in this world.
God ..
If I can return
I do not want the same things are happening on, whoever happens to the
Video is a little couplet from a paper written a teenage cancer sufferer Rabdomiosarkoma cancer or network software. A malignant cancer that attacks on the face of a teenage girl named Gita Sesa Wanda Cantika.
Age is still 13 years old when doctors told her father that the daughter could only survive for five days when you do not perform the operation immediately.
Exercise father which is not destroyed when the road know that the operation must make the daughter lost some face. Meanwhile, the daughter began to ask why diwajahnya start growing clump of coconut. I want to hurt her children, father with the family keep the cancer in Keke, call active teenage girls with a performance of the model and pull the sound.
Keke started slowly but aware that it is not normal pain, he may not realize their life will survive long with the eyes of the blind by the start of cancer.
Although he knew he was the malignant cancer, and he did not assign anyone at angry that keep the deadly disease is on.
He gives the whomever smile and shows that the struggle with cancer diwajahnya he is still able to live normal and achievement in schools. God shows the greatness of heart to give breath to the long separated from the cancer that moment.
Keke struggle against cancer produce results, author of God can make them with family and friends who love it more time. The success of Indonesian doctors cure cancer cases, the new first occurred on the daughter of Indonesia, which boasts a performance and make all doctors in the World ask questions.
However, cancer is back after a party when the happiness, Keke napasnya conscious in the world is more narrow. He was not angry at God, he was grateful to get a chance to breathe more than five days verdicts to survive three years.
Kankernya surrender to the doctor, in the last napasnya he write a little letter to the Lord. Letters full of pomp hearts of the teenagers hope there are no tears in the world this happens on it, occurred on anyone.
Napasnya ended 25 December 2006 right after he Worship run fasting and Idul Fitri last with friends and family friend, but the story became immortal. Thousands of tears fell when first issued biography online. Keke message to the world that successfully bring to trial all the Lord is a requirement that must be run with gratitude and faith. Time travel, biography Keke also be marketed widely.
Written by Agnes Davonar, books full of wisdom and sincerity of this given the title of this God of Small for a second book author who started his career from a blogger with a site
Mission glory of the book is enough to donate part on the results of this sale to the foundation that helps people with cancer shelter in Indonesia. In fact, this book was distributed overseas demand with the original publisher in Taiwan under the flag Suaraindo, which is the tabloids in Indonesia, will be published in early September.
Meanwhile, In Indonesia itself will be distributed the third week of August. Take a singer who sung by the U.S. junior title with Ferel For Walking Menjagaku add meaning travels teenage girls who get the awards as a student representative from the Indonesian government of Indonesia.
Agnes davonar themselves acknowledge, water eyes never stop when write this book, so he hopes this book can become a spirit for anyone who experienced a trial from God to remain grateful and Mother. Agnes davonar father also died because of a lung cancer so vibrant that he write this story since 2 years ago and eventually this book can be distributed widely.
A long hold of a faith that is eligible for your own Well, read this story as if I make a small child who will love the Lord.
The book is selling its own record 2,000 books on the first day of sales. I pengkoleksi to be true. Perhaps you should also menyakini when you yourself have been aware of the greatness of God.
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